Her Warriors' Three Wishes (Dante's Circle) Page 12
Balin smiled, the red flecks in his eyes glowing. “Now, where were we?”
Ambrose watched the man who was to be his mate and leaned in, ready to cement his promise. Balin looked startled for only a moment before leaning over Jamie to brush his lips against Ambrose’s. Ambrose deepened the kiss, and Balin growled. This was not a gentle mating of mouths but rather the ferocity of two warriors who would test and battle themselves before they crashed into the abyss of bliss. Their teeth clashed and their tongues fought for dominance, but Balin’s heady taste settled on Ambrose’s tongue, mixing with Jamie’s gentle one, causing him to groan.
He pulled back, enjoying the way Balin’s chest rose in sync with his own.
“Dear Lord, that was hot,” Jamie said then giggled. “Who knew I’d like seeing that?”
Ambrose smiled full out, rubbing his thumb along her chin. “You like the sight of two men kissing?”
She nodded. “You should see some of the books I have in my store.” She winked. “Seeing it in person? I think most kissing is pretty hot, no matter who the participants are, but the two of you are…well, you’re better.” She ducked her head, and he smothered a laugh.
“We’re better because we’re a part of you,” Balin explained. “Or at least, we will be part of you. Now, enough talking. I want to taste you, and I don’t like waiting.”
Jamie turned and faced their future mate. “Then make love to me and stop talking about it.”
Ambrose growled but wasn’t as fast as Balin, who lifted her in his hold. Jamie wrapped her arms around his waist, and Balin walked her to the wall. Ambrose followed them, shucking his clothes as he did so.
Jamie’s eyes widened at the sight of his naked body, her gaze fixating on his cock, which stood at attention, throbbing and ready for release. He knew if he didn’t get it under control, he’d explode as soon as he touched her.
Balin gulped as he looked over his shoulder at Ambrose then pressed Jamie against the wall, rocking his groin to her core. “I see. I have this soft, beautiful woman in my arms, and you get naked first so she can look at only you.”
Ambrose shook his head. “Lower her feet to the floor so we can strip her, and then you take off those leathers. I know they must be tight on that erection of yours.”
“Glad you noticed.”
Jamie squirmed in Balin’s hold. “Please.”
Balin set her feet down, and Ambrose walked up to her, his cock bobbing against his stomach. He slowly stripped off her shirt, her breasts full in her bra. He lowered one cup and licked her nipple, loving the way she shuddered and tangled her hand in his hair. Balin reached behind Ambrose and undid the leather band holding his hair back.
“I want to see your hair down when you enter her,” the demon said.
Ambrose nodded then went to his knees, unbuttoning then sliding off Jamie’s pants and panties in one swoop. She raised each foot so he could remove her pants totally, and then he leaned back so he could stare at the magnificent sight before him.
God, her caramel skin looked like sugar and spice, ready for his tongue. Her hips flared out, ready for his grip. She’d shaved or had a wax done before she was captured, so he could see her pussy, wet and ready for his cock.
Or Balin’s. Ambrose would be fine watching, touching then, in the future, playing as his other lover filled her.
“Hades, you’re amazing,” Balin whispered as he undid her bra. Ambrose looked up as her breasts fell, heavy, ready for their hands. Balin leaned over and kissed her then ran his tongue down her chest, flicking her nipple, alternating between his hand and tongue.
The other man had stripped down as well, his cock practically resting on Ambrose’s shoulder, but he didn’t mind. Balin’s wasn’t as long as his own but thicker and tilted to the left, so he knew Jamie would always know who filled her.
That thought almost sent him over the edge, so he licked his lips, then leaned in to taste her. He ran his hands up her legs then gripped her hips, steadying her to the wall so she wouldn’t fall. He breathed cool air on her pussy, loving the way she shuddered.
Ambrose spread her legs a bit so he could see her fully then licked her clit.
“Oh, God,” she groaned. Ambrose looked up, still licking, sucking, tasting as she squirmed in their hold.
Balin suckled her breasts while Ambrose sucked her clit. They worked in tandem as Jamie’s sweet honey coated his tongue. He moved one hand so he could insert one finger then two in her tight channel, teasing, preparing, and she came.
She buckled against his face, and he greedily licked up every drop of her.
He pulled back and watched the blush on her skin darken then he stood, his cock in his hand. He wanted to watch Balin take her first. He’d already had her come on his tongue. Balin needed to feel her on his cock.
“Fill her, Balin,” he ordered. “Fill her while I lick those pretty breasts.”
Balin groaned and moved to stand in front of her. Jamie stroked his horn, and the other man almost fell to his knees.
Jamie’s eyes widened. “Does that feel good?”
Ambrose laughed. “Jamie, baby, that’s the equivalent of stroking his cock.”
Jamie’s mouth dropped. “Really?”
“Really,” Ambrose said as he stroked the other horn.
“Fuck,” Balin said, panting. “You two can horn-stroke me anytime you want but, for the love of Hades, stop. I need to come in her, not against the fucking wall.”
Jamie giggled then stopped. “Wait, we don’t have any condoms.”
Ambrose shook his head. “No, but we don’t have diseases.”
“What about a baby? Wait, never mind. I don’t know why I thought of it. We have more to think about,” she whispered and bit her lip.
The thought of her round with their child—his, hers, and Balin’s—made him want to fill her right then to make it happen, but he stopped himself, barely.
“Then we make a baby,” he said. For a moment, he thought of the children he lost but pushed them out of his mind. He would never forget them, but it was past time to at least move forward.
“Jamie, you’re ours. We’re not leaving you,” Balin promised as his cock teased her entrance.
“Okay,” she whispered. “Ambrose, come here, please. I need to touch you while he’s in me. I want you both. I know that makes me a slut, but I don’t care.”
Ambrose growled, “Never say that again. Do you hear me? You’re not a slut. You’re ours. You’re not in the structured human world anymore. You’re in a world with triads and love that crosses those boundaries you’ve been told exist. No matter what you’ve learned, you should know that we won’t treat you like a toy, like nothing. You’re ours. You’re our mate.”
Her eyes widened. “I’ve never heard you say so much at once.”
Ambrose growled. “Then don’t anger me by calling yourself names. Now, Balin, sink into her while I get this pretty little hand wrapped around me. Then, Jamie, I’m going to lay you on the floor and make love to you while Balin touches you. Do you understand?”
She nodded and wrapped her hand around his cock. He sucked in a breath, seeing stars. Well, hell, this might not have been his best idea considering he was about to come. She squeezed and gasped as Balin entered her slowly.
She stroked him as he leaned down to kiss them both while Balin thrust in and out of her, increasing his speed with each movement. Her breasts bounced, and her strokes stopped as she blushed then came. The cords on Balin’s neck stood out as he followed her, her name on his lips.
Balin pulled out, his cock still hard, wet from their lovemaking, and Ambrose moved to catch Jamie as her knees buckled.
“I’ve got you,” he whispered. Balin staggered to the cot and pulled the small blanket to the floor. Ambrose gave a nod then laid their mate down on it.
Jamie spread out before him, her hair tangled, her body sweat-slick and rosy.
“I can’t believe I get to do this,” she said as she gave a
wobbly smile.
Ambrose checked her for any signs of weakness or her change because he knew that even though they were making love because they wanted to they were also doing so to change her and save Balin.
She looked the same, only more relaxed. Maybe it would take the three of them together.
He leaned over her, his cock at her core. “Are you ready?”
“Please, Ambrose.”
Balin lay down on the floor, his hands roaming over Jamie.
Ambrose entered her slowly, inch by inch, and waited as he slid in to the hilt. Hell, she was wet, hot, and still as tight as a glove. Her eyes widened, and she smiled.
“You feel different from him.”
Balin kissed her hard. “Good, then you’ll always know.”
Exactly what Ambrose had thought, but he couldn’t form the words, his mind only on the fact that his cock was in the woman he wanted and finally had.
Then he moved, slowly then faster. Balin kept his hands on her, dividing her attention, but Ambrose didn’t care. He pounded into her until his balls tightened and he came.
He felt the walls that surrounded him shudder as she came with him, and he smiled. Her soul reached out to him, and he felt the bond between them click into place as her bond with Balin had cemented theirs.
This was bliss.
This was a triad.
He closed his eyes as her walls continued to shudder around him. Three times wasn’t that bad considering they were in a cell in hell.
That sobering thought brought him back to the present.
He pulled out, watching as her eyes widened.
“Oh, God,” she whispered. Then she convulsed, her body shaking, her eyes rolling in the back of her head.
“What the hell, Ambrose?” Balin cursed, his voice laced with concern.
Though Shade had told him what had happened to Lily, the knowledge didn’t make a bit of difference. Ambrose gathered Jamie in his arms as she thrashed and yelled in pain. Light shot from her skin, radiating from pin pricks, then almost to a blinding hue, and Balin scooted to wrap his arms around the both of them.
“She’s changing, Balin. Shade said it would be like this, but…but I didn’t know it would hurt this much.” His voice broke as she moaned in pain. He covered her lips with his own in case the guards came at the sounds, but tears burned in the back of his eyes.
Please, Jamie, please be all right.
He pulled back as she stopped thrashing, her eyes closed, her chest heaving. Delicate spiral tattoos wrapped their way up her arms, legs, and sides. Her body glowed with a soft white light and a slight aura of wispy smoke surrounded her.
She opened her eyes, fear and anxiety filling the now translucent violet irises.
“Djinn,” Ambrose whispered.
She was a djinn.
That had not been on his radar of potential choices, but now that he looked at her, he knew she was the most beautiful creature he’d ever laid eyes on—just as she had been before in her human form.
She was djinn.
More powerful than he.
More powerful than most.
Chapter 11
Balin sat back as he gazed over Jamie’s new body. Well, that wasn’t quite right. She still had the same basic structure, the same curves, the same soft feel.
She was a djinn.
The small and intricate designs on her arms, legs, sides, and spine were a dark coal that faded to a light lavender when she breathed. He knew from meeting another djinn in the past that djinn would regulate to show their moods while they were in this form. Like all supernaturals, she would be able to turn herself back to her human state, so she would be able to blend in. He could have done that before to hide his horns and eyes but had wanted to show Jamie just who he was normally, not who he’d be when he hid.
“What…what am I?” Jamie asked as she looked down at her skin. The glow brightened as her voice broke, and he held her closer, kissing the top of her head.
Ambrose leaned down to kiss her, running his hands down her newly tattooed arms.
“You’re a djinn,” he whispered, his voice holding the same amount of awe Balin felt.
Djinn weren’t only rare; they were practically extinct.
Balin wasn’t even sure there were many, if any, females in existence. If the djinn council found out that Jamie was now one of them…
He closed his eyes and tried to gather some semblance of control. They would deal with that when it came. They had enough problems on their hands without adding more to it with speculation. He met Ambrose’s eyes and knew the other man would keep this from her as well.
Just until they got out of hell.
Then they would tell her what her future might look like because knowledge of what would come was the best weapon.
Nothing in his life had been easy. It made sense that his mating wouldn’t be either.
“A djinn?” Her brows scrunched as she said the word. Her newly violet eyes were mesmerizing. He knew that if others looked into them they would be lost in their power. He was pretty sure he and Ambrose would be immune, but they’d have to be careful.
Hades, things changed at the drop of a dime.
“Like a genie, with the silk pants and lamp?” she asked, her tattoos changing from light lavender and back again as she struggled with her emotions.
Ambrose shook his head. “No, that is the television version. Djinn are a race of people who are very secretive, so I don’t know their history as well as I should, but I will find out more. I promise.”
Balin agreed. “Yes, we’ll find out more together.”
Her body shook as she sat naked between them. Balin cursed and went to get their clothes so she could at least be dressed and somewhat comfortable when they discussed what she was and what powers she might have.
Damn, once she reined in her powers and learned to control them, she could probably win the games. That would take time, and that was something they didn’t have.
They pulled on their clothes, Jamie’s hands shaking as she did so. “What do you know though?” she asked.
Ambrose took her hand, sat on the cot, and forced her onto his lap. Balin sat beside him, taking her feet in his hands so he could rub them down. He knew she must be freaking out, and he had no idea how to help her.
“Jamie,” Ambrose began, “you’re a djinn. That means you’ve got power in your blood greater than most supernaturals. In order to tap it, you’re going to need to learn control. I can help you do that.”
Her chest rose and fell as she took a deep breath then traced his jaw. “I know you know control, Ambrose. It’s all I’ve seen of you before now.”
Regret passed over the other man’s face as he leaned down to kiss her brow. “We’ll learn together. You already see your physical attributes, and you’ll be able to hide those when needed.”
“Like Lily with her gold skin and you with your wings?” she asked, and Ambrose nodded. “Balin, can you hide your horns and eyes?” She bit her lip. “Not that I don’t like them. I mean…oh, I’m sorry.”
He shook his head and rubbed her calf. “Don’t apologize. I knew what you meant. And, yes, I can hide them when we get to the human realm.”
The very idea that the possibility was at their fingertips surprised him. Then he froze.
He didn’t feel any better.
No, in fact, he felt a bit weaker.
He’d felt his bond with Jamie and one with Ambrose that he knew would strengthen once they made love, but he didn’t feel that cycle of energy between the three of them.
He was still dying.
Balin swallowed hard then forced his expression to lighten as Jamie and Ambrose discussed her physical attributes and calmed her so she could turn back to looking human.
“Well, at least that works,” she said. “I can feel the power running in my veins. It’s sweet, like honey. When Lily changed, and we found out that the rest of us might follow down her path, I never thought it would actually happen. Oh, I’
d hoped because that meant I’d be with you.” She ducked her head and blushed while Ambrose kissed her brow.
Balin didn’t take any offense that she didn’t mention him. After all, before today, she hadn’t known him.
Had it really only been a day? He had no idea how much time had passed in the human realm considering hell ran on its own timeline, but he’d felt like he’d always known her and Ambrose.
And always would.
No, that wasn’t right.
He was still dying.
It was as if someone had stabbed him in the heart with a cool blade, the ice settling over him as his fate called.
He’d lose them.
Without his strength, he couldn’t get them out of hell.
They’d lost.
“Balin?” Jamie asked, her voice laced with worry. “What’s wrong?”
Ambrose cursed and rubbed Balin’s back. The feel of the other’s man’s touch settled him.
“It didn’t work, did it?” he asked. Balin shook his head, not surprised that Ambrose would know what he was thinking about.
“What didn’t work?” She looked between them, her voice high. “I can feel you in my heart, so I know the bond is working. What’s wrong?”
Balin gave a self-deprecating smile. “I’d thought our bond would work like a cycle, giving me the energy I need. I would think I’d have to bond with Ambrose the same way, but I know other triads form their bond from sex like we had, not necessarily with the three of us in every which way.”
Her face fell as tears rose in her eyes. “No. No, it has to work.” She scrambled off Ambrose’s lap and fell onto his. “I can’t lose you. I just found you. There’s got to be something you can do.”
Balin crushed her to him, burying his face in her hair, inhaling that spicy floral scent that he didn’t want to lose.
Her body shook as she sobbed in his hold, and he let the few tears fall from him that he’d held in for almost three hundred years.
“There might be a way,” Ambrose said as he stood to pace the small cell.
Jamie looked up and faced him while Balin grabbed onto that small lifeline that Ambrose had thrown out. He didn’t know what the other man would say, but it had to be better than the loss that cascaded deep within him.